ࡱ>  bjbj(( 4jBgBg 8D_(&22HHH'''''''$*;-( (HHs(K"K"K"LHH'K"'K"K":&h&Hpn@;b' &'/(0_(&4- - &-&K"((K"_(-X T:  Report of an Accident/Injury/Near Miss/Dangerous Occurrence Please complete this form and forward it to the Specialist Services & Safety Manager within five days of the incident. SERIOUS ACCIDENTS SHOULD BE REPORTED BY PHONE ON 903700 (ext 3700) or 900600 (Reception 0). Filling in this form: Please complete Section 1, giving as much detail as possible and pass to your Head of Department for completion of Section 2. Please write as neatly as possible and use continuation sheets where necessary. SECTION 1Part A: About the accident / incident / near missPart B: About the injured person 1 On what date did the incident happen? 1 Full Name 2 At what time did the incident happen? 2 Contact telephone number 3 Where did the incident happen? 3 EmployeeStudentVisitor/public Other4 Job title / student category 4 Name of person reporting incident 5 Department / Area Part C: About the injury 5 Were there any witnesses? If yes, please give their names & departments 1 What was the injury? (e.g. fracture, laceration, burn etc.) 2 What part of the body was injured? 6 Was anyone injured?  YES NO If YES, go to part B. If NO go to part D3 Did the person.....  Become unconscious? YES NO  Need resuscitation? YES NO Remain in hospital for more than 24 hours? YES NO Any other useful information 4 What first aid treatment (if any) was given? 5 Name of the person who administered first aid  SECTION 1 continuedPart D: Describing what happened1 Give as much detail as you can. For example: The events that led up to the incident What you were doing at the time of the incident The name and type of any machinery involved The nature of the area housekeeping; spillage; lighting; obstacles; security; litter; noise; etc. The part played by the people involved The name and volume of any substance The position of people or objects in relation to the incident Other salient points  Signature of injured person / reporter of incident Print Name:Date: SECTION 2 (to be completed by the Head of Department)1 When did you first become aware of this incident? 2 What action has been taken or is being taken to prevent a similar incident? 3 If an injury occurred, how long is the injured person expected to be away from work?Days: _____ Weeks: _____ 4 On the day of the incident what was the injured persons  Expected hours of work?Actual hours of work? 5 Safety Representative informed?  YES NO N/A Print Name: Date:Signature:  SECTION 3 (to be completed by the Specialist Services & Safety ManagerAction taken by the Specialist Services & Safety Manager  RIDDOR Reportable YES NO Date report sent to HSE: ___/___/_______ Print Name: Date:Signature:       FILENAME \p L:\Specialist Services & Safety\Health and Safety\Accident Reports\Accident near miss form revised Oct 2013.doc   )>?CDEFa     3 t u   ż粮zogoogo__hONCJaJhRCJaJhONhONCJaJhONhON5CJaJ'hU{B*CJOJQJ^JmH ph333sH 'hONB*CJOJQJ^JmH ph333sH hONh\ hCJhOBhOBCJh h CJ h 5CJ hs5CJhOBhs5CJhOBhV jh&hP@UmHnHu%DEF   3   $If$a$gdON$a$gdOBgdR$a$gdP@ ? @ a b c e    պի䢙䢙~~~~l~f~ hh%CJ"jhh%CJUmHnHsH uhF7hh%CJhF7hCJhF7h/TWCJhF7hp[CJhF7h`CJhF7h`5B*aJph4jhF7hlt5B*UaJmHnHphsH uhF7hp[5B*aJphhF7hp[CJaJ hF7hp[5B*CJaJph$ ? a b $Ifzkd@$$Ifl*\+   t I}0644 lap I}ytF7b c gaaaaaaa$Ifkd0A$$Ifl0B* @@ tTT0644 lapTTytF7 {{{{{{{$If}kdA$$Ifl0B* t0644 laytF7     . 0 7 {{{ooooo $$Ifa$gdh%$If}kdYB$$Ifl0B* t0644 laytF7     . / 0 1 6 7 8 9 : X Y Z [ \  ? @ A B C D i j k l m ܿ(jhF7h\CJUmHnHsH uhF7h\5B*aJphhF7h\CJaJ h-SCJhF7h\CJhF7hh%CJaJ"jhh%CJUmHnHsH uhF7hh%CJ hh%CJ(jhF7hh%CJUmHnHsH u27 8 9 X Y Z [ GAAAAA$IfkdB$$Ifl4rB %*`klkl t0644 laytol[ \ wwqqqq$If $IfgdRkdC$$Ifl40B*  t0644 laytF7 ~xoo $Ifgd/TW$IfkdD$$Ifl4<0B*` t0644 laytF7  ? @ A B e\\\\SSSS $Ifgdp[ $Ifgd/TWkdD$$Ifl40B*  @ tT0644 lapTytF7 B C D i j k l wnnnn $Ifgdp[ $Ifgd/TWkdZE$$Ifl40B*` t0644 laytF7l m = > wwwwwnnenw $Ifgd` $Ifgdp[ $Ifgd/TWkdE$$Ifl40B*  t0644 laytF7 = > ? @ OPQRSTUVjk?.źhF7h.CJaJhF7h.5B*aJphhF7h/.CJaJ hF7h/.5B*CJaJphhONh.CJaJh/.CJaJhONCJaJhF7h\CJaJ,jhF7h\CJUaJmHnHsH uhF7h\CJ4 o}kd^F$$Ifl0B* t0644 laytF7 $Ifgdp[ $Ifgd/TW OPQRwwwww $Ifgdp[kdF$$Ifl40B*` t0644 laytF7RSTVj~~x$IfkdZG$$Ifl40B*  t0644 laytF7jk$IfwkdG$$Ifl*\+   t I}0644 lap I}ytF7?.Dtttttttt & F$IfgdF7$Ifwkd~H$$Ifl*\+ @ t T0644 lap TytF7 .DEFGHIJKLMNOPQ WXYZ[\]^ )?@ABcdϾߙhCJaJhF7h B*CJaJphhf?5B*CJaJph hF7h 5B*CJaJphh CJaJh/.CJaJhF7h CJaJhF7h/.CJaJhF7h.CJaJ:DEFGHIJKLMNOP~~~~~~~~~~~$If{kdI$$Ifl0B* t0644 laytF7 PQ$IfhkdI$$Ifl*\+ t0644 laytF7qooi$IfkdJ$$IflFb"*  t06    44 laytF7$IfwkdJ$$Ifl*\+   t I}0644 lap I}ytF7 WXYZ[\]$Ifhkd=K$$Ifl*\+ t0644 laytF7]^$IfhkdK$$Ifl*\+ t0644 laytF7 ~~~u $Ifgd $If{kd'L$$Ifl0*`  t0644 laytF7)?@~u~ $Ifgd $If{kdL$$Ifl0B* t0644 laytF7@Acd~~u~ $Ifgd $If{kdWM$$Ifl0B* t0644 laytF7defg.RSTUVWXY˷vnchF7h3cGCJaJhCJaJhF7hYRB*CJaJphh5B*CJaJph hF7hYR5B*CJaJphh CJaJhF7hYRCJaJhF7h CJaJhF7hYRCJhF7h CJ(jhF7h CJUmHnHsH u,jhF7hYRCJUaJmHnHsH u!$IfhkdM$$Ifl*\+ t0644 laytF7||||$If|kdkN$$Ifl40*s` t0644 laytF7w $Ifgd|kdN$$Ifl40*s  t0644 laytF7STUVW~~~~~ $IfgdRwkdO$$Ifl*\+   t I}0644 lap I}ytF7WXY $$Ifa$gdF7 $Ifgd3cGhkdP$$Ifl*\+ t0644 laytF7YZ[n ·zkd`hR hRCJ hhqBCJ hmHnHsH ujhRCJ UhmH sH h9%EhRCJ hmH sH $jh9%EhRCJ UhmH sH h??jh??UhONhYRCJaJhYRCJaJhF7hYRCJaJhF7h3cGCJhF7h3cGCJaJ,jhF7h3cGCJUaJmHnHsH u% $IfgdRhkdP$$Ifl*\+ t0644 laytF7yyyy $IfgdR|kdP$$Ifl40*s` t0644 laytF7}{{{{{{{{{yy{gdYR|kdQ$$Ifl40*s  t0644 laytF7hONhYRCJaJh??2/R :p.. 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